Photographer: Lucasi Kiatainaq
The Teams took off from Kangiqsujuaq on March 15th, officially launching Ivakkak 2023 and starting the journey to the next community stop, Quaqtaq.
The first day ended with Team#6, Willie Cain | Itsaja Arnatuk from Tasiujaq making it to Iqalukjuaq first.
There were a few obstacles along the way, taking the wrong route costed Team #4, Team #2 and Team #3 a few hours to their time.
Team #5 lost some time due to their sled breaking and the time it took to remedy that.
At the start of the race, Team #1, Saanti Jaaka | Paulie Kiatainak from Kangiqsujuaq had issues with a loose dog, causing dogs to fight. The official vet Caroline Fortin had to work on and stitched up one of Saanti’s dogs.
Note that the tracking system is now active and the race can be followed from the following link

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